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An appeal to the general public for help and suggestions.. (snohomish)


Have you ever asked yourself, "Just what is happening to this world that we live in today? Why does it seem like it has become hardened and unsympathetic towards those who are the hardest working, most honest, up-standing, tax paying, and law abiding citizens among us -- especially when their time of need is the greatest?
I am the Owner of "Airport Way Recycling" located in Snohomish, WA. on the Lowell River Rd. This is my story, hardships and all. It is my hopes, perhaps, that by telling it to you all, I will finally get some long overdue answers, as well as some solutions to the many issues that continuously seem to burden me and make day to day life difficult.
I have been a business owner in the Snohomish County area for more than 25 years now, and have worked hard all my life. I have became an outstanding member of my community by doing my part in the community by helping those in my community that are down on their luck and in need of temporary employment and giving out food to the starving who live in the streets.
I started "Airport Way Recycling" with the help of my family members and a friend of the family. When we originally started the business, we were located directly across from the Snohomish airport. However, due to needing more space to expand the new business, we then moved to another location off 92nd st. in Snohomish. However, it wasn't too long before we once again began having problems. The difficulties increased even more when the property we were leasing was sold to new owners who had very different ideas as to what they were willing to allow me to do on the property I was leasing from them for my business. Several issues arose between the new owner and myself as time went on. Eventually I was forced to once again try to relocate my business. Only this time it was made even more difficult due to the new owner of the property having confiscated and sold most of my business equipment illegally and without much warning. I was not behind on any of my required lease payments or utilities, and in fact, was actually paid up in advance for an entire month. Despite this fact, I was locked out of the building and not given opportunity to collect and remove much of my equipment or personal possessions. I tried to fight back through the legal system, and am still actively trying to get some recourse against this being done to me. I took videos and photographs of the property and equipment that was stolen from me. I filed charges and sought legal actions against the new owners. However, to this day nothing has been done to resolve the matter or to compensate me for the loss of needed equipment and personal goods. Every step of the way I have been side stepped by the court officials, who should be helping me to find resolve with the matter and for justice to be served as it should be. Law enforcement officials have not been of much assistance either. In fact, more often than not they have treated me like it was me who was the guilty party in all of this. At the same time. I've had people that I thought I could trust, steal my documents and files, along with the evidence that I had video taped and photographed. Luckily I was of good sense to have made copies of such, making it a little easier to be able to keep the process still actively ongoing. But still here I sit, still waiting to get somewhere with my case against those people, and am beginning to get downhearted and worry that I will never see justice be had in this matter. I was a victim of a crime against me personally, as well as professionally. The effects of which still are making things difficult for me -- especially with regards to being able to keep my business going and to be able to not just keep it running, but to actually see a profit level start to take shape so that I can begin to expand the business and thus be better able to serve the community around me.
Shortly after relocating the business for the 3rd time, while trying to also deal with the legal matters over the melee that caused me to have to move the business this 3rd time around, I began to have problems between myself and my family members that were trying to run the business with me. Before long, my family members and I had a permanent falling out, leaving me to now have to run the entire business by myself, while also trying to handle everything else that was and is still going on. Within a single months time span I lost most of my business, and the equipment needed to make it operational, as well as my entire family. I was suddenly alone and vulnerable in ways that I didn't even know yet. Over most of the years that I have owned and operated my own business, I've been pleased to have been able to provide short term employment to local residents trying to make ends meet while they look for more permanent employment in the area. However, it saddens me that I'm not able to really be able to do that right now. Financially, I'm nearly bankrupted because of all the many setbacks that I've already mentioned. But now to add more grief to my load, I've had to deal with my own son stealing from me! Over the past year, on several different occasions, my son decided to gain access to both my personal finances, as well as my business finances.
My son not only committed fraud against me, but also identity theft, forgery, as well as grand larceny. In doing so he has nearly drained me to the point of financial ruin. In total, well over $10's of thousands of dollars has been stolen from me and from my business accounts. He has managed to make life extremely difficult for me in every aspect. It has been, and continues to be a living hell for me trying to cope with everything.
What has made it even more difficult is how I've been treated by the authorities and the banking institutions, and the courts, but mostly by local law enforcement officials. I've tried to do what I had always thought was the right thing to do in these kinds of situations. I went to the police. I tried filing formal charges against my son through the courts. I tried repeatedly to seek out assistance from, and through the banking institutions investigative departments. I have even tried to appeal for help from his current juvenile probations officer, as well as his school guidance counselors. It seems that no matter what I do, or who I talk to, nobody out there wants to do anything to help me with any of these things. I am finding that nobody among the legal community, has any real answers to give me. No one seems even very willing to listen to me long enough to tell them the whole situation and the troubles just keep on rolling in on me. Not even the board of education was willing to offer me any suggestions as to what I should do. But they were sure quick to point out and to remind me of the fact that due the compulsory education laws in this country, I could actually be faced with being arrested for the lack of my sons willing attendance in his school classes each weekday. The boy is out of control, and doesn't even try to pretend that he will ever listen to me or obey my rules that include him attending school like he is supposed to be doing. He doesn't care that he's putting me in jeopardy of being arrested for what he is doing (or not doing in regard to his school attendance). He doesn't care that he has nearly destroyed everything that I work so hard for everyday. He also doesn't live with me and has no respect for himself or anyone else. Because he's been able to basically get away with everything he has been doing over the past year or more, and hasn't had to face much of any legal consequences for his continuing criminal behaviorisms he has taken on the idea that he is somehow above the laws that would already have tried and convicted most of the rest of the population. He needs to be taught a harsh lesson, while he is still young enough to turn his life around and be a decent person. I sit here and I have to watch him as his actions grow in the level of intensity and severity. I see his complete level of disregard for the suffering and the hardships his victims are faced with because of what he does. It sickens me, and I am at a complete loss as to what I can do to change all of these things.
I feel cheated in a way, cause apparently it doesn't matter how hard I have always worked, how honest I have always tried to be, how much I have tried to contribute to my community and to be of help to others over the years. It doesn't seem to even make much difference to anyone that I am also a U.S. Military veteran who proudly volunteered for enlistment to protect the rights and freedoms of this country. Nothing I do seems to matter to anyone, anywhere. No one really cares about anything, or anyone else, other than themselves, any more! What the hell happened to this country and all the people that call themselves Americans? How have we come to be so far off track that people can behave so selfishly and so prejudisely that nothing gets done that even comes close to resembling what could be called honorable on any level? I don't understand why it is that my son can victimize me so severely, as well as other people too, and yet I'm the one that the police come looking for when he doesn't go to school everyday! Surely someone, somewhere, has some answers that will help me to find the way through this darkness and be able to makes sense of it all and maybe, just maybe, be able to see justice finally be served as it should have been already? Please, won't someone have the courage to stand up and help me find the light again before I finally just give up and call it quits with this life and the world around me?


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